Over 709 million attempts to access phishing and scam websites in 2023, have been thwarted by Kaspersky’s anti-phishing system, marking a 40% increase compared to the previous year’s figures. Messaging apps, artificial intelligence platforms, social media services, and cryptocurrency exchangesRead More…

Malicious actors abuse the importance of domain names by registering ones that are identical or similar to existing trademarks, company names, or personal names, hoping to profit from the confusion Domain names help us navigate the vastness of the world wide web and find the information and services we areRead More…

Cloudflare has announced that the Cloudflare One suite of Zero Trust security tools is available at no cost to at-risk public interest groups that are part of Cloudflare’s Project Galileo, as well as local and state election sites part of Cloudflare’s Athenian Project. These organizations will now have access toRead More…

The psychology of influencing individuals to feel compelled to do specific behaviours- also known as social engineering is one of the most used cyberattack strategies. In the world of cybersecurity, social engineering is nefarious — and the realm of phishing attack perpetrators. Bad actors utilize a variety of psychological tacticsRead More…

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” This is a wise quote once said by a Global CISO, Stephane Nappo. This couldn’t be more true. On a basic level, brands are built on trust. A brand’s reputation is irreparably tarnished whenRead More…